가상현실 전문 기업 VRK
가상현실공간 느낌을 강조하기 위하여
전체적인 컨셉은 우주(스페이스)로 풀이 했으며
사진과 오브젝트에서 오는 공간감과
일부 사선의 느낌을 살려 다이나믹함을 보여주고자 하였습니다.
소규머 기업이지만
영상전문가들의 도전정신과 새로운 영역에 대한 도전이
뜻깊어 보였으며 해당 기업의 홈페이지 프로젝트에 참여하게 되었습니다.
Virtual reality specialist companies VRK
To emphasize the feeling of virtual reality space
The pooled overall concept in space (space)
And air feeling that comes from photos and objects
Taking advantage of some of the diagonal lines of feeling was and try to show the dynamics are.
But small mer company,
The challenge of the challenge of experts of the video to a new area
Meaning it was decided to participate in a deep show the appropriate company website project.
To emphasize the feeling of virtual reality space
The pooled overall concept in space (space)
And air feeling that comes from photos and objects
Taking advantage of some of the diagonal lines of feeling was and try to show the dynamics are.
But small mer company,
The challenge of the challenge of experts of the video to a new area
Meaning it was decided to participate in a deep show the appropriate company website project.