연구소 내 소식을 확인하기 위해 시간을 소비하는 것이 아닌 R&D내에서 이야기를 얻고, 감성을 채우고 소통하는
HYUNDAI MOTOR GROUP 문화를 만들어나가고자 하였으며 기존의 딱딱한 현대자동차 이미지에서 벗어나
R&D 내의 전문가들만을 위한 친근한 소식지가 되고자 하였습니다.
친근함과 전문성을 나누어서 두가지 시안으로 진행하게 되었습니다.
Instead of time consuming to confirm the news in the laboratory to give a talk in the R & D, and communication to meet the sensitivity
We want to continue to make a HYUNDAI MOTOR GROUP culture, to be out from the image of an existing hard Hyundai Motor
I was trying to be friendly newsletter only for professionals in R & D.
It was decided to proceed in two of cyan by dividing a sense of intimacy and expertise.
We want to continue to make a HYUNDAI MOTOR GROUP culture, to be out from the image of an existing hard Hyundai Motor
I was trying to be friendly newsletter only for professionals in R & D.
It was decided to proceed in two of cyan by dividing a sense of intimacy and expertise.