NVESTOR의 ‘N’과 ‘길’의 형태를 도형화시킨 형태의 조합으로 제작된 디자인입니다.
“옐로우램퍼”와 작업을 진행하게 되었습니다.
옐로우램퍼는수많은 기업들 사이에 가려져 자신들을 알리는 방법을 모르고 헤매이고 있을
소소기업들에게 가장 빛나고 가치있는 브랜드가 될 수 있도록 길을 밝혀주고자 하는 브랜딩 전문 회사입니다.
옐로우램퍼의 전문가분들과 많은 아이디어와 의견을 주고 받으며
“투자전문회사 엔베스터”의 브랜딩의 방향성에 대해 긍정적인 결과물을 돌출해 낼수 있었습니다.
Not just investment, to design that contains the direction of creating a new road through the investment
"N" of NVESTOR the form of a "road" is a design that has been produced by a combination of form that was figure of.
The first collaboration work of DesignerKang
And I have been working as "Ieroremupo".
Ieroremupo is a delusion that does not know how to inform yourself wrapped in between a number of companies, some
Su Su is the most shining try to give to clear the road to be a brand that is valuable in to a professional company of branding companies.
By exchanging a lot of ideas and opinions and the people of experts Ieroremupo
"Investment company specializing in the Vestar" There was to be issued through the projecting a positive result for the branding of the direction of.