온라인상에서 공통적으로 사용될 로고가 필요하여
본인을 브랜딩해 보았습니다.
RED는 본인의 개성을 가장 잘 보여줄수 있는 KEY-Color 입니다.
"나눔"은 디자이너로서의 방향성인
'일방적이지 않고 함께하는 소통, 생각을 나누고, 이야기를 나누고, 디자인에 담다.'
를 표현하고 있습니다.
In order to produce a logo
Person I tried to branding the.
And alphabet Kang representing the principal
Is the design of direction to pursue the "sharing" is represented by works that were destroyed,
It means that it is represented by a design that collectively the two elements.
RED is the KEY-Color, which show best the personality of the person.
To share, some in the direction of a designer
"Unilateral communication together rather, by dividing the idea, is to talk, to fit the design."
It has to express.
Although we use the Mockup image while advancing this work,
The next task time, you have the opportunity that can be fabricated to think to the actual shape Na say, a I.